The ShoreTel system has some known limitations with SIP trunking, please refer to ShoreTel‟s
Administration Guide, chapter 18, for the SIP trunking limitations. Some customers may have the need to
implement a SIP trunk from an Internet Telephony Service Provider (ITSP) to take advantage of reduced
telephony costs, but they require some of the features that aren‟t supported on a ShoreTel system, via SIP
trunks. In order for the customer to take advantage of the ITSP‟s offerings and not be affected by ShoreTel
SIP trunk limitations they will need to implement an Integrated Access Device (IAD) to convert the SIP
signaling to a T1 PRI. In this manner ShoreTel will not have any feature limitations and the customer can
still take full advantage of the ITSP‟s offerings.
This solution includes Bandwidth.com SIP trunk, ADTRAN‟s market-leading Total Access® series of
routing, switching and IP gateway products, along with the ShoreTel ShoreGear® IP PBX and ShorePhone
When combined with the ShoreTel IP Telephony platform, this solution introduces a new level of value into
network operations with savings that extend well beyond the initial purchase price. ADTRAN platforms are
specifically designed for business VoIP networks with enhanced performance and functionality. The
ADTRAN platforms provide all of the robust routing, switching, Quality of Service (QoS) and security
features needed to deploy a world-class business VoIP solution. Application Diagrams of the product
scenarios tested with the ShoreTel ShoreGear switch appear in Figure A below.
Figure A: ShoreTel’s ShoreGear, Adtran’s Total Access 916e connected with Bandwidth.com
TPP: 10273
Date: June, 2010
Product: ShoreTel |ADTRAN
System version: ShoreTel 10.x