D7024 Fire Alarm Control/Communicator
Operation and Installation Guide Addendum
This addendum (P/N: 41740) is intended to replace pages 5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 22, 52, 66, and 78
through 81 of the
D7024 Reference Guide
(P/N: 31499). Use this addendum to wire the
special 220 VAC, 50 Hz transformer in the control panel. For all other accessories,
programming instructions and tables, refer to the
D7024 Reference Guide
(P/N: 31499).
© 2005 Bosch Security Systems
130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, New York 14450 41740F 5/05
Customer Service: (800) 289-0096; O&I Addendum D7024-EXP
Technical Support: (888) 886-6189