A simple front opening notebook bag which offers real value for money
The base_xx Business offers a straightforward answer to notebook transportation.
A smart black exterior holds a padded notebook compartment to protect the notebook from bumps and
knocks, a notebook strap to keep the notebook in place during transit and plenty of storage space: a pocket
specifically for documents, and a workstation designed to hold CDs, pens, business cards and so on.
A shoulder strap offers you the option to carry the base_xx over the shoulder or in the hand.
Dicota Luggage from Hypertec
front loader
base_xx Business
Available from:
Hypertec Ltd
2 Swangate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, Berks, RG17 0YX
t: 0870 243 5603 f: 0870 243 5604
w: www.hypertec.co.uk
Colour: Black
Dimensions: 410mm x 310mm x 70mm OR 16.1‰ x 12.2‰ x 2.8‰
Weight: 0.8kg
Material: Polyester
For Notebooks up to: 15.4‰
Part Codes:
N14528PHY base_xx Business