The MDrive17Plus Speed Control offers
system designers cost effective, program-
mable velocity control integrated with a
NEMA 17 high torque 1.8° brushless step
motor and a +12 to +48 volt microstepping
The MDrive17Plus Speed Control features
a digital oscillator for accurate velocity
control with an output frequency of up
to 5 Megahertz. Output frequency will
vary with the signal applied to the speed
control input and can be limited by the
amount specifi ed by the Maximum Veloc-
ity parameter.
Speed can be adjusted using three modes
of operation: voltage, current and PWM.
The ranges are 0 to +5 volts and 0 to
+10 volts in voltage mode, 0 to 20 mA
and 4 to 20 mA in current mode, and 15
to 25 kHz in PWM mode. This allows the
MDrive17Plus Speed Control to be driven
by a wide variety of sensors and control
There are two basic methods for control-
ling the velocity: bidirectional and unidi-
rectional. By moving the center point, both
speed and direction are controlled by a
potentiometer or joystick. By setting the
center point to zero or the lower end of the
potentiometer, only velocity is controlled
by the speed control input; direction is
controlled by a separate digital input.
The MDrive17Plus Speed Control has 18
setup parameters, which may be con-
fi gured using the supplied IMS Analog
Speed Control GUI, or a user-developed
front-end communicating over SPI. The
setup parameters enable the user to con-
fi gure all MDrive operational parameters
which are stored in nonvolatile memory.
The versatile, compact MDrive17Plus
Speed Control is available in multiple
• Highly Integrated Microstepping Driver,
Intelligent Variable Speed Controller and
NEMA 17 High Torque 1.8° Brushless
Step Motor
• Advanced 2nd Generation Current
Control for Exceptional Performance and
• Single Supply: +12 to +48 VDC
• Cost Effective
• Extremely Compact
• 20 Microstep Resolutions up to
51,200 Steps Per Rev Including:
Degrees, Metric, Arc Minutes
• 10-bit Analog Speed Control Input
- 0 to +5 VDC
- 0 to +10 VDC
- 4 to 20 mA
- 0 to 20 mA
- 15 to 25 kHz PWM
• Automatic Current Reduction
• Electronically Confi gurable:
- Motor Run/Hold Current
- Microstep Resolution
- Acceleration/Deceleration
- Initial and Max Velocity
- Hold Current Delay Time/Motor
Settling Delay Time
- Programmable Filtering for the
Start/Stop Input
• Available Options:
- Long Life Linear Actuators**
- External Optical Encoder
- Integrated Planetary Gearbox
- Control Knob for Manual Positioning
- Linear Slide
• 3 Rotary Motor Lengths Available
• Setup Parameters May Be Switched
• Interface Options:
- Pluggable Terminal Strip
- 12.0” (30.5cm) Flying Leads
• Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Quick
and Easy Parameter Setup
** Consult Factory for Availability.
confi gurations to fi t various system needs.
Rotary motor versions come in three
lengths and may include an optical en-
coder, control knob, planetary gearbox or
linear slide. Long life Acme screw linear
actuators** are also available.
Connector style options give you choices
for the best fi t and features. Select from
12.0" (30.5cm) fl ying leads or pluggable
terminal strip.
MDrivePlus connectivity has never been
easier with options ranging from all-inclu-
sive QuickStart Kits to individual inter-
facing cables and mating connector kits
to build your own cables.
See pg 4.
The MDrive17Plus is a compact, powerful
and cost effective motion control solution
that will reduce system cost, design and
assembly time for a large range
of brushless step motor applications.
The IMS Analog Speed Control is a soft-
ware GUI for quick and easy parameter
setup of the MDrivePlus Speed Con trol
from a computer's USB port. GUI ac-
cess is via the IMS SPI Motor In ter face
available at www.imshome.com. The IMS
interface is also used to upgrade MDrive-
Plus Speed Control fi rmware.
IMS Analog Speed Control features:
• Easy installation.
• Automatic detection of MDrivePlus ver-
sion and communication confi guration.
• Will not set out-of-range values.
• Tool-tips display valid range setting for
each option.
• Simple screen interface.
Excellence in Motion