Controlling per Host LUN Access on the iSR6250
SN0051103-00 A 4-25
7. In the Security Check dialog box, enter the system password, then click OK.
The LUN Masking Configuration screen displays the mapping requests, as
shown in Figure 4-19.
Figure 4-19 Target Presentation/LUN Mapping Wizard - LUN Masking
Configuration Status
8. Verify the completion status displayed on the LUN Masking Configuration
Status screen, then click Finish. The wizard screen closes.
You can map additional LUNs using either the SANsurfer Router Manager or the
command line interface (CLI). The iSCSI host cannot access mapped LUNs until it
logs into the presented target for the corresponding iSR6250 virtual port group
and Fibre Channel target WWPN.
The default password is config.