Upper Blade Holder
2. Work Hogd-Down
Blade Support
7. BladeGuard
8. Blade Storage
Speed Control/
On-Off Knol_
4. Bevel Lock Knob
3, Lower Blade Holder
5. Bevel Scale
1. Tension Knob ... Tightening the knob (clockwise) will
increase the tension on the blade. Loosening it (coun-
terclockwise) will deCreaSe the tension.
2. Work Hold-Down and Blade Support ... Provides
added control of work-p!ece, protection for operator
and support for the blade_
3. Blade Holders ... Retain and position the blade,
4. Bevel Lock Knob ... Loosening knob allows the table
to tilt up to 45 ° for bevel cuts.
5. Bevel Scale .. Shows angle table is tilted for bevel
6. Speed Control!On-Off Knob ... For speed control set-
ting, refer to the "Choice of Blade and Speed" table.
The On-Off knob has a locking feature, This Feature
Is Intended To Help Prevent Unauthorized Use By
Children And Others.
7. Blade Guard ... Defines area of moving blade.
8. Blade Storage Drawer ... Used to stere blades, "T'
handle wrench, and "L" shaped rod.