Water Filtration System - Model # P1000
Instructions For Use
1. Wash hands with soap and water, then remove the filter from filter bag.
2. Soak filter in cold water for 15 minutes. Make sure the water covers the filter completely.
3. Hand wash pitcher, inner jug and lid using mild soap and water. Rinse well.
4. Hold filter under cold running water for a few seconds until the water runs clear through the filter.
5. Insert the filter into the reservoir and press firmly on filter to ensure a tight seal. Make sure water slots on the filter, are aligned with the edge of the filter
c o m p a r t m e n t .
6. Fill pitcher with water. Discard the first batch of filtered water. Refill and use.
7. Do not forget to change your filter approximately every 2 months based on 2 L of water filtered per day.
Useful Tips & Precautions
• The contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by this water treatment device are not necessarily in your water.
• Make certain that use complies with state and local laws and regulations.
• The replacement filter cartridge used with this system has a limited service life, which varies depending on usage and water conditions. Changes in
taste or odor of the water being filtered indicate that the cartridge should be replaced.
• For cold water use only. DO NOT FILTER HOT WATER. (MAX 85°F / 30°C)
• After draining the filter pitcher, add more water right away to keep filter cartridge wet. If the filter cartridge dries out, it may need to soak before being
used. If filter cartridge becomes too dried out, it may need to be replaced.
• Allow water to filter completely before pouring or refilling reservoir.
• Keep pitcher filter refrigerated at all times. After three to four days, replace unused water with fresh water.
• All parts EXCEPT THE FILTER CARTRIDGE should be washed regularly. It is important to keep food and beverage equipment clean and sanitary.
• Pitcher, reservoir, and lid ARE NOT DISHWASHER SAFE.
Filter Cartridge Replacement
To assure pitcher performance, it is important to replace the pitcher filter cartridge regularly. Filter cartridge should be changed after 80 pitchers (32 gallons)
of water have been filtered (about once every two months for an average family). Before changing the filter cartridge, wash the pitcher, reservoir, and lid
with mild soap and warm water and rinse. DO NOT wash the filter cartridge. After you replace the filter cartridge, reset the calendar reminder arrow on top
of the filter to read two months from the date the cartridge was replaced. We recommend that you use the Sunbeam
PF1000 replacement filter cartridges
with your Sunbeam
Water Pitcher. To purchase these replacement filters, visit your local retail outlet, or call customer service at 1-877-383-6399 for more
i n f o r m a t i o n .
* Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system. Individuals who
require water of special microbiological purity should follow the advice of their doctor or local health officials regarding the use and consumption of
their tap water. Contaminants or other substances removed or reduced by this water treatment device are not necessarily in all users' water.
Model P1000 Tested and Certified by NSF
International against ANSI/NSF Standard 42
for the reduction of Chlorine Taste and Odor.
Testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual
performance may vary.
(8:30am-5:30pm E.S.T.)
Parts Included
Lid with dial •
(filter change reminder)
Spout Cover •
Reservoir •
32 gallon filter cartridge •
Pitcher •
Chlorine / Bad Taste & Odor 2.0 mg/L ≠ 10% ≥ 50% 96%
This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI 42 for reduction of substances listed below. The concentration of the indicated substances in water
entering the system was reduced to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system, as specified in NSF/ANSI 42.
©2004 Sunbeam Products, Inc.All rights reserve d .
is a registered tra d e m a r k of Sunbeam Products, Inc.used under license.
M a nu f actured for Prestige Home Comfo rt, Montreal, Canada, H3B 3X9.