i was drilling in screws and when i went to do another one, there just seemed to be no power to the drill. nothing was happening. what could have happened. i have had it in other plugs to, so i know it wasnt my plug.

Asked by carol on 11/14/2009 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 1 month ago

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1 Try taking the battery off/putting it back on. My guess would be a dead battery. Get a new one. Can't hurt to have a spare. If it works, then you know the first one is dead. If it doesn't work, either, then it's the drill. Although, I had a bad charger (trying to charge a dead battery can kill the charger). You can put a volt meter on the charger to see if it's ouputting close to the battery's rated voltage. If it's way low, then you know the charger is dead. Hope this helps. Good luck. Dave
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0 Corded drill. Ignore my last post. I'd check the cord/plug for wear, especially at the stress points (where the cord enters the plug and where it enters the drill). Then I'd look at motor commutator brushes.
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