Can the circuit board be replaced on a Mig-100

Asked by Mike on 07/12/2011 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 6 months ago

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5 If the part is available as a seperate item. They do tend to be expensive though. I did repair a Miller Sidekick for a fellow who thought his was done for. A common failure point for motor controls is the SCR or Triacs. They do not get adequate airflow over them to cool them adequately. With the cover off, carefully verify the board is seeing power. If it is, the thyristors may be all that has failed. At a few bucks a piece, a lot cheaper than the entire board. Try or Just enter the part number on the device, and your options should pop up.
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0 Wrong model number, should have been 44567
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0 The reason I was asking about a circuit board is because I think I fried mine. I checked the fuse, looked like it was blown, so just to see if that was my only problem, I got a little piece of alum foil and wrapped around the fuse and put it back in, plugged the welder in, and when I flipped the on switch, sparks flew from around the fuse, burning the alum foil into. I must have let the foil ground out on the board somehow.
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0 I got a new fuse this morning, but even before I installed the fuse, I could not tell if the fuse was good or not. My tester is at work. Do you know of any other way I can check a fuse. I bought 2, installed one, turned on welder, still no wire feed. I don't know if it blew the fuse the second I turned on the welder, or if the fuse is still good. If the fuse is still good, other problems. Please advise
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0 Just tried a new fuse, and as soon as I flipped the switch, fuse blew. The Rect Bridge right next to the fuse has black or smoke markings where the four prongs go through the board. Would that cause the fuse to blow everytime install new fuse?
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