need wire feed motor(12 v)where can i get one

Asked by ray on 06/21/2008 7  Answers

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5 I went to and put in the search box 8695. A Taap washer pump comes up. That's the one I used.
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0 i need manual mig-100 welder with thermal overload and spanish
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0 I have the same welder and the wire feed motor crapped out. Go to an auto parts store and get a Chysler washer fluid pump. 2 screws and the pump comes off the motor. There's a plastic ring you have to cut off with a utility knife, you'll see it. The gear fits on the shaft and the motor mounts up perfectly. I went to Autozone and got SKU # 02152 08695 Trico also makes one that looks like it would work.
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0 I called Autozone and they told me that SKU # 02152 08695 was not a valid number. Do you have the part number of the Chrysler washer fluid pump?
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0 I just threw the box away! I'm sure it had the last 4 digits 8695 on it. I brought my motor to the store and the clerk let me look at all the motors until I found one that would work. You may have to do the same. I also saw a Trico at another store that would work.
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0 I got the motor, part number 8-695 from Autozone. $13.99 in store.
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