My saw just stopped powering up. When I flip the on button, no sound or movement. I thought it was the reset button so I disconnected the two white wires and put an aligator clip across both and it still didn't work. Motor does not smell and it spins by hand, so I think the motor is good. Any suggestions

Asked by Mike on 07/15/2010 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 6 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 I had similar symptoms and took apart the switch and found that corrosion had build up on the contacts in the switch. I cleaned the contacts with a fine small file. Once re-assembled the saw has worked ever since.
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1 My table saw is craftsman Model # 137248880‏ My saw just stopped powering up. When I flip the on button, the motor spin intermittently few seconds then stop. I push reset button but it still didn't work. Motor does not smell but it could not spin by hand. Any suggestions How can I disassemble the motor to look for any irregular spot? Frank
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