Asked by Alfie Di Pucchio on 08/22/2011 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years, 3 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
5 The nails load into the top of the clip... pull back the slider, load the nails from the top, release the slider... your ready to fire!
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5 IndustrialSaw, why be a member at this site, a site that's all about helping other people? It may be true, you get what you pay for, but your answer was not helpful.
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5 I just got the manual for this nailer. I bought a 4 pc nailer set on Black Friday and got a good deal since manuals were missing. I emailed HD corporate and they secured them for me from the manufacturer, Freeman. If you haven't gotten a manual for yours, here it is. I found this manual. PFN64-manual - for Husky model XKKC64 16 ga 2.5 in st finish.pdf
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1 cheap tool and parts are hard to find ...made in china get what you paid for
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