Worked and then just stopped, pressure switch continuity ok, motor continuity open

Asked by Plinker on 01/14/2010 6  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 14 years, 11 months ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
1 It turned out to be the breaker just under the compressor body, not sure why it tripped though as the unit is working. Might be it was low on oil and will check tomorrow. Thanks everyone...
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1 It turned out to be the breaker just under the compressor body, not sure why it tripped though as the unit is working. Might be it was low on oil and will check tomorrow. Thanks everyone...
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1 tripped though as the unit is working. Might be it was low on oil and will check tomorrow. Thanks everyone...
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1 We have two of the 8449 compressors. The first was purchased to facilitate using a BRAD GUN on renovation projects at our camp. It seems to operate flawlessly while the one we purchased (from the same dealer) is totally unreliable and no end of tinkering with the air pressure adjustments seems to help. If I call the Quebec help line it works but not if I need it work on a project. I don't want to register for any product promotions. I just want to get this machine operating.
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0 Somehow this site appears to be set up to keep us busy but there has been no help with the no run problem on the 8449 compressor. An exploded vue of the 8449 dose not constitute a service manual. What is required is an explanation of what to do when the machine won't run when the pressure is too low to operate air tools.
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