Drive belt on planer broke. How do I install a new one? Manual I've seen on line has only several parts diagrams but no instructions.

Asked by Keith on 12/15/2011 3  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 13 years ago

The ManualsOnline team has found the manual for this product! We hope it helps solve your problem. Get the Manual Here
0 i just replaced one. very involved. crank motor assemly as high as it will go to expose two hidded screws in side wall remove them and two at top. take crank wheel and knob off from repeat a cut. remove side wall. loosen screw by motor pulley (tension asjustment) push motor down and slide belt over pulleys. retighten tension screw
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0 Take off top: 4-3mm, 4 Phillips underside 1.25" & 9.5" on inside down- 4. 3/8" Phillips Drive cover- 3 machine thread Phillips Tension Adj. @ 4 o'clock from drive wheel-5mm
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