Blade not parallel with rip fence

Asked by jakebetty on 09/21/2009 5  Answers

ManualsOnline posted an answer 15 years, 3 months ago

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0 If you read the manual it tells you how to adjust the blade to make it parallel simply by loosening and tightening 4 screws on the table top.. A table saw is a precision instrument and may need some adjusting to get perfectly square cuts. I adjusted mine and it is the most wonderful and light saw. Make sure your rip fence is adjusted tight! If you want to cut sheets of plywood, large boards etc., you should achor the saw or use a more heavy duty saw.
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0 If you read the manual it tells you how to adjust the blade to make it parallel simply by loosening and tightening 4 screws on the table top.. A table saw is a precision instrument and may need some adjusting to get perfectly square cuts. I adjusted mine and it is the most wonderful and light saw. Make sure your rip fence is adjusted tight! If you want to cut sheets of plywood, large boards etc., you should achor the saw or use a more heavy duty saw.
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0 If you read the manual it tells you how to adjust the blade to make it parallel simply by loosening and tightening 4 screws on the table top.. A table saw is a precision instrument and may need some adjusting to get perfectly square cuts. I adjusted mine and it is the most wonderful and light saw. Make sure your rip fence is adjusted tight! If you want to cut sheets of plywood, large boards etc., you should achor the saw or use a more heavy duty saw.
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0 If you read the manual it tells you how to adjust the blade to make it parallel simply by loosening and tightening 4 screws on the table top.. A table saw is a precision instrument and may need some adjusting to get perfectly square cuts. I adjusted mine and it is the most wonderful and light saw. Make sure your rip fence is adjusted tight! If you want to cut sheets of plywood, large boards etc., you should achor the saw or use a more heavy duty saw.
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