wheel retainers and wheel arbors available from 3M.
To reduce the risks associated with skin abrasion, burns, cutting & severing, impact or entrapment:
To reduce the risks associated with vibration:
from repetitive work, motion and overexposure to vibration.
To reduce the risks associated with loud noise:
To reduce the risks associated with fire or explosion:
To reduce the risks associated with hazardous dust ingestion or eye/skin exposure:
To reduce the risks associated with hazardous voltage:
To reduce the risks associated with whipping:
• Ensuresupplyhoseisoilresistantandisproperlyratedforrequiredworkingpressure.
• Donotusetoolswithlooseordamagedairhosesorttings.
To reduce the risks associated with flying off of accessory parts:
• Usecareinattachingabrasiveproductandmountinghardware;followingtheinstructionstoensurethattheyaresecurelyattachedtothetool
before use.
To reduce the risks associated with hazardous pressure or rupture:
• Beawarethatincorrectlyinstalledhosesandttingsmightunexpectedlycomelooseatanytimeandcreateawhipping/impacthazard.