Operation (Continued)
Operating Instructions and Parts Manual
NEVER turn the water supply off before turning the engine/motor off.
Serious damage could occur to the pump and/or engine/motor.
NEVER disconnect the high pressure discharge hose from the machine
while the system is pressurized. To depressurize, turn engine/motor off,
turn water supply off and squeeze gun trigger 2-3 times.
5. After each use, wipe all surfaces of the pressure washer with a clean, damp cloth.
• Donotstorethepressurewasheroutdoors.
• Donotstorethepressurewasherwhereitmightfreezeunlessithasbeenproperly
Winterizing Instructions
1. Disconnect the high pressure hose from the pump.
2. Insert a 12 inch to 14 inch piece of garden hose into the pump inlet.
3. Place a funnel in the other end of the garden hose.
Read the manufacturer’s instructions for safe handling and disposal of
RV antifreeze.
4. Pour approximately 6 oz. of RV antifreeze into the funnel.
5. Jog the On/Off Switch briefly until the RV antifreeze comes out of the pump outlet.
6. Disconnect the high pressure hose from the gun and drain the hose. Hold the gun
and lance in a vertical position and squeeze the trigger to drain the water out.
A clogged or partially clogged nozzle can cause a significant reduction of water coming
out of the nozzle and cause the unit to pulsate while spraying.
To clean out the nozzle:
• Turnoffunit.
• Turnoffwatersupply.Relieveanypressuretrappedinthehosebysqueezingtrigger
2-3 times.
• Separatelancefromgun.
• Rotatenozzletothenarrowstreamsetting.Thisopensupthefanblades.
• Usingtheincludedtipcleaner,oranun-foldedpaperclip,insertwireintothe
nozzle hole and move back and forth until debris is dislodged (refer to Figure 23).
• Removeadditionaldebrisbyback-flushingwaterthroughthenozzle.Todothis,
remove the lance from the gun, place end of a garden hose (with water running) to
tip of nozzle pushing water and debris out the back opening of the lance.
1. Never operate the unit without water.
2. Your pressure washer is not meant to pump hot water. Never connect your pressure
washer to a hot water supply as it will significantly reduce the life of the pump.
3. Running the unit for more than one minute without spraying water causes heat to
build up in the pump. Running the unit without spraying water can damage pump
Nozzle Tip Cleaner
Figure 23