
Preparing to Install Cisco 4000 Series Routers 2-7
Installation Checklist
Installation Checklist
The Installation Checklist lists the procedures for initial hardware installation of a new
router. Make a copy of this checklist and mark the entries as you complete each procedure.
Include a copy of the checklist for each system in your Site Log. (See the next section “Site
Installation checklist for site______________________________________________
Task Verified by Date
Installation checklist copied
Background information placed in Site Log
Site power voltages verified
Installation site prepower check completed
Required tools available
Additional equipment available
Cisco 4000 series router received
Cisco 4000 Series Installation Guide (this manual)
Cisco Information Packet received
Optional ordered CD or printed documentation
Chassis components verified
Initial electrical connections established
ASCII terminal attached to console port, or modem
attached to console port (for remote configuration)
Signal distance limits verified
Startup sequence steps completed
Initial system operation verified
Software image verified