MD 3000 Modular Disk Storage Manager (Linux 版)
Preferred owner: RAID Controller Module in slot 0
Current owner: RAID Controller Module in slot 0
Segment size: 128 KB
Modification priority: High
Read cache: Enabled
Write cache: Enabled
Write cache without batteries: Disabled
Write cache with mirroring: Enabled
Flush write cache after (in seconds): 10.00
Dynamic cache read prefetch: Enabled
Enable background media scan: Enabled
Media scan with consistency check: Enabled
MISSING VIRTUAL DISKS------------------------------
Number of missing virtual disks: 0
Script execution complete.
SMcli completed successfully.
4.8 仮想ディスクの削除
>SMcli -n <ストレージアレイ名> -c "delete virtualDisk ["仮想ディスク名"];"
# SMcli -n md3000 -c "delete virtualDisk ["testvol"];"
Performing syntax check...
Syntax check complete.
Executing script...
Script execution complete.
SMcli completed successfully.
4.9 ホットスペアの設定/解除
> SMcli -n <ストレージアレイ名> -c " set physicalDisk [エンクロージャ ID,スロット ID…]
# SMcli -n md3000 -c "set physicalDisk [0,14] hotspare=TRUE;"
Performing syntax check...
Syntax check complete.
Executing script...
Script execution complete.
SMcli completed successfully.