Chapter 5 Parameters|VFD-S Series
5-18 Revision August 2006, SE08, SW V2.61
d4 Display forward/reverse command (Frd/rEv)
0-04 Content of Multi-function Display
Factory Setting: d0
Settings d0 Display the user-defined unit (u)
d1 Display the counter value (C)
d2 Display the content of PLC time (1.tt)
d3 Display the DC BUS voltage (U)
d4 Display the output voltage (E)
d5 Display frequency commands of PID (P)
d6 Display analog feedback signal value (b) (%)
Display the user-defined unit, where unit = H X Pr.0-5-
0-05 User Defined Coefficient K Unit: 0. 1
Settings d0.1 to d160 Factory Setting: d1.0
The coefficient K determines the multiplying factor for the user-defined unit.
The display value is calculated as follows:
Display value = (output frequency x K)
The display window is only capable of showing three digits, yet you could use Pr.0-05 to
create larger numbers. The display windows uses decimal points to signify numbers up to five
digits as illustrated in the following:
Display Number Represented
999 The absence of a decimal point indicates a three–digit integer.
A signal decimal point between the middle and the right-most numbers is a true
decimal point; it separates ones and tenths as in “30.5” (thirty and one-half).
A single decimal point after the right-most numbers is not a true decimal point,
instead it indicates that a zero follows the right-most number. For example, the
number 1230 would be displayed as “123.”
Two decimal points (one between the middle and the right-most numbers, and
one after the right-most number) are not true decimal points; instead they indicate
that two zeros follow the right-most number. For example, the number 34500
would be displayed as “34.5.”.
0-06 Software Version
Settings Read Only
Display d #.#