Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries
Table 8.0.1
Test Test Conditions Test Results
Flat Plate Crush Test Cell is crushed between No explosion, sparks, or flames.
two flat surfaces.
Impact Test A 20 lb. weight is dropped from No explosion, sparks, or flames.
height of 2 feet on cell.
Short Circuit Test* Sample is shorted until discharged. No evidence of venting, leakage, bulging or
Test conducted at 20°C and other visible changes on individual cells.
60°C (68°F and 140°F). Maximum case temperature was
129°C (264°F). In batteries, safety devices
operated, protecting battery from external
short. Maximum battery case temperature
was within 5°C (41°F) of ambient.
Forced-Discharge Test The cell, after discharge, No venting, leakage, fire or explosion on test
(Voltage Reversal) is over-discharged for 1.5 conducted at C/3 discharge rate.
times rated capacity.
Abnormal Charge Cell is charged for 2.5 No venting, leakage, fire or explosion on
Test times rated capacity. test conducted at C/3 charge rate.
Abusive Overcharge Sample is charged by Individual cells vented. No explosion or fire.
Test* power supply up to Maximum temperature on cell case was
200 watts until sample 200°C (392°F). In batteries, safety devices caused
vents or explodes. charging circuit to open periodically, protecting
battery as designed. Maximum battery case
temperature was within 25°C (77°F) of ambient.
Heat Test The cell is heated in an oven to No damage to cells; no bulging, venting,
150°C (302°F). fire or explosion.
Fire Exposure Test* Sample is heated by a burner Cells and batteries vented without
fueled with methane. exploding. No significant flaming or spark.
No projectiles.
Table 8.0.1 Results of DURACELL nickel-metal hydride cells and/or batteries tested under UL Standard 2054
test regimes.
*Note: These tests were conducted on both individual cells and batteries. Tests
marked with an asterisk were conducted on individual cells only,
as deemed adequate by UL to demonstrate safety of both cells and batteries.
Safety Considerations (cont.)