Preparation of the surface and thinning of the paint are the two most important areas to be concerned
with to obtain the best results from your Paint Sprayer. Ensure all surfaces are free from dust, dirt, rust
and grease. If necessary rub down with sandpaper, or similar. Mask areas you do not wish to be
This Paint Sprayer can be used with water and solvent based wood products, fence treatments,
varnishes and stains.
As some wood preservatives and other sprayable products contain particles, please ensure that when
filling the Paint Container of the Paint Sprayer, that the paint is filtered through either a funnel with a
filter on it or through nylon tights or stockings. This will ensure that no large particles enter the Paint
Container, so preventing blockages and providing you with trouble free spraying.
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Turn the gun upside down and place a few drops of Lubricating Oil (6) in both
the apertures on the underside of the Paint Sprayer (see Fig.2). Connect to
mains and momentarily trigger the Paint Sprayer to disperse the oil around the
piston and cylinder, then disconnect the ASG55 from the mains and firmly
push the Suction Tube (4) into the tapered hole of the raised boss. Fill the
Paint Container with the paint, filtering the paint through a piece of nylon
stocking or a funnel which incorporates a filter to remove any lumps or
particles. DO NOT OVERFILL. Screw the Paint Sprayer on to the Paint
Container tightly. Ensure the Nozzle (1/2) and clamping knob are hand
tightened before use. Plug in the unit and before you start depress switch fully, aiming the Paint Sprayer
at a piece of cardboard or newspaper until the paint comes out. Adjust the output control knob on the
back accordingly to control the volume of paint that you wish to apply (Fig.3).
This will also affect the spray pattern. A poor spray pattern will concentrate the paint in the centre of the
spray and give a blotchy finish. A good spray pattern is achieved when there is an even amount of
material in a fine spray throughout the pattern.