Affi xing abrasives
Compatible StickFix sanding discs are quick and
easy to attach to the StickFix sanding pad. Simply
press the self-adhesive sanding discs [1-7] onto
the sanding pad [5-2]. The adhesive coating holds
the StickFix sanding pad securely in position. Make
sure that the sanding disc holes line up with the
suction holes [6-3]. Tear off the sanding disc when
Adjusting the internal/ex-
ternal extraction
You can switch between internal and external
extraction depending on the size of the particles
produced by the sanding process.
Push the switch [6-1] to change between the f
two dust extraction modes.
Adjusting the suction power
You can adjust the suction power to match the
surface type, but only when internal extraction
is active (see chapter “Adjusting the internal/
external extraction).
Use the adjusting wheel [1-5] to adjust the f
suction power.
1: Low suction power
6: High suction power
Start with a low suction power (position 1) and f
slowly increase until you can feel that the ap-
plication pressure has noticeably changed.
A high suction power makes sanding work on L
ceilings and walls less tiring.
Excessive suction power can cause the ma- L
chine to vibrate and become more diffi cult to
guide. The machine may also be overloaded.
This activates the protective circuit. The red
diode flashes slowly. The electronic circuit
switches to recovery speed. If this happens,
you must stop working immediately until the
machine has cooled down again.
Dust extraction
External extrac-
tion [6-2]
(between sanding
disc and brush
larger particles
such as carpet
Internal extraction
(suction hole)
Extracting small
particles such as
fi ller with maxi-
mum suction ef-