7. Hold the rotating guard
(12) up and press the
spindle lock button (26)
(fig. k). Rotate the blade
until the spindle locks.
8. Use the 6mm hex key
provided to loosen and
remove the blade bolt.
(Loosen in a clockwise
direction as the blade
screw has a left hand
thread) (fig. l).
9. Remove the flat washer
and outer blade washer
and the blade.
10. Wipe a drop of oil onto
the inner blade washer
and the outer blade
washer where they
contact the blade.
11. Fit the new blade onto
the spindle taking care
that the inner blade
washer sits behind the
blade (fig. m).
CAUTION. To ensure correct
blade rotation, always install
the blade with the blade
teeth and the arrow printed
on the side of the blade
pointing down. The direction of blade rotation is also
stamped with an arrow on the upper blade guard.
12. Replace the outer blade
washer (fig. n).
13. Depress the spindle lock
button (26) and replace
the flat washer and
blade bolt.
14. Use the 6mm hex key to
tighten the blade bolt
securely (tighten in an
anti-clockwise direction).
15. Lower the blade guard,
hold the rotating lower
blade guard (12) and
blade bolt cover (14) in
position and tighten the
fixing screw (fig. o).
16. Replace the guard
retraction arm and secure
onto the rotating blade
guard (fig p).
17. Check that the blade
guard operates correctly
and covers the blade as
the saw arm is lowered.
18. Connect the saw to the
power supply and run
the blade to make
certain that it is
operating correctly.