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Dispensing Fluid in Auto Mode
Before you begin a preset dispense cycle, make
sure AUTO is displayed. If you do not see
AUTO on the display, you are not in the Auto
dispense mode, and fluid flow will not stop when
the auto preset amount is dispensed.
1. Press the A uto/Reset button.
The display wakes u p if it was asleep, and AUTO and
the stored preset dispense amount are displayed. The
factory default is 0.00.
NOTE: To change the st ored preset dispense
amount, s ee Auto Preset Amount on page 9.
2. You can dispense or change the displayed preset
amount by doing one of the following:
D Go straight to step 3 to dispense the dis played
preset amount.
D To change th e displayed pr eset amount, you
can set the d isplay to z ero by pressing the
Auto/Reset button, then press the10 button to
change the 10s digit, press the 1.0 button to
change the 1 s digit, and press the 0.1 button
the change the first decimal digit. Then go to
step 3.
3. Lock the trigger . See Locking and Unlocking
the Trigger on page 11.
Fluid flows, and the d isplayed dispensed am ount
counts up from zero. When the preset amount is
dispensed, the unit beeps, the trigger unlocks, fluid
flow stops, the dispensed am ount is displayed, and
the meter switches to the M anual dispense m ode.
If you want to stop fluid flow before the preset amount
is dispensed, manually unlock the trigger. To continue
the dispense, lock the trigger , and the dispensed
amount resumes counting toward the pr eset amount.
If you want to continue dispensing after the trigger
unlocks at the preset dispense amount, squeeze the
trigger, and the d ispensed amount resumes counting in
the Manual dispense m ode until y ou release the trig-
NOTE: When the trigger unlocks, th e automatic
nozzle prevents the fluid in the extension from running
Viewing Totals
This is the p rocedure for viewing the non-resettable
and resettable totals. To change the r esettable total,
see Resettable Total on page 8.
1. If the display is blank, p ress the Manual/Reset or
Auto/Reset button to wake i t up.
2. Press the Total button to view the non-resettable
total amount.
If the unit of measurement is gallons, quarts, or pints,
the total is displayed i n gallons, a s s hown below . If the
unit of measurement is liters, the total is dis played in
DDonotopera tebelow32_F(0_C)
3. Press the Total button again to view the r esettable
total amount.
If the unit of measurement is gallons, quarts, or pints,
the resettable total is displayed in gallons , a s shown
below. If the unit of measurement is liters, the reset-
table total is displayed i n liters.
DDonotopera tebelow32_F(0_C)
Pressing the Total button repeatedly toggles between
the non-resettable and resettable total.
4. Press the M anual/Reset or Auto/Reset button to
retu rn to the M anual or Auto dispensing mode.