40 309550Y
Drill Bit Kit
Kit includes 20 cleanout drill bits ranging in sizes of #61
through #80.
Air Purge Handle Cleanout
Drill Kit
Kit includes all 5 drill bits of extra long length needed to
clean out the air passages in the Air Purge gun handle
and fluid housing. See Clean Passages, page 21.
246629 6 #58 .042 1.07
246808 6 #60 .040 1.02
248640 6 #61 .039 0.99
248618 6 #63 .037 0.94
248891 6 #66 .033 0.84
246807 6 #67 .032 0.81
246630 6 #69 .029 0.74
248892 6 #70 .028 0.71
246815 6 #73 .024 0.61
276984 6 #74 .023 0.57
246631 6 #76 .020 0.51
246816 6 #77 .018 0.46
246817 6 #81 .013 0.33
Kit Part No. Qty in Kit
Drill Bit Size
nominal in. mm