3. Ijgc i]Z gVY^jh VY_jhi `cdWh id a^[i i]Z gZVg
Figure 18# BV`Z hjgZ id ijgc i]Z `cdWh
ZfjVa Vbdjcih hd i]Z gZVg gdaaZg ^h ValVnh
Figure 18.HZii^c\i]ZgVY^jh#
2. Ijgci]ZXgVc`XadX`l^hZid[ZZYi]Zldg`e^ZXZ
jci^a^ih[gdci ZY\Z^hY^gZXianVWdkZi]Z gZVg
gdaaZg!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 17#
Figure 17.;ZZY^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#
4. Ijgc i]Z XgVc` id egdXZhh i]Z bViZg^Va
i]gdj\] i]Z ha^e gdaa# 8dci^cjZ ijgc^c\ jci^a
i]Zldg`e^ZXZ ^hXdbeaZiZan i]gdj\]i]Zide
VcYWdiidbgdaaZghFigure 19#
This machine poses a crushing hazard if
workpieces are not properly supported
when exiting the rollers. If necessary, get
assistance to support the workpiece. Make
sure all helpers are wearing safety glasses,
leather gloves, and steel toed footwear
when assisting in the use of this machine.
Figure 19.EgdXZhh^c\i]Zldg`e^ZXZ#
Depending on the size and shape of your
workpiece, you may need assistance to sup-
port the workpiece as it exits the machine.
Failure to adequately support the workpiece
may result in the workpiece falling, causing