Advanced Troubleshooting
14 309477F
Building circuit breaker opens
as soon as sprayer is plugged
into outlet and sprayer is NOT
turned on.
NOTE: Remove enclosure
mounting screws and pull
enclosure away from drive
housing. Take care not to pull
on leads from electrical cord
and power switch.
Sprayer electrical cord is
1. Unplug sprayer electrical cord.
2. Disconnect black electrical cord wire at
power switch
3. Unplug in-line connection white cord wire.
4. Plug in electrical cord
5. Test voltage between black and white
wires. Meter must read 200-260 V AC.
6. Replace electrical cord if no voltage.
Sprayer power switch damaged
1. Unplug sprayer electrical cord.
2. Disconnect black control board wire at
power switch.
3. Check resistance of switch with ohmmeter.
4. Reading must be infinity with power switch
5. Reading must be zero with power switch
6. Replace power switch if damaged.
Also “Basic Electrical Problems” and “Sprayer Wiring Problems”, page 12.
Specific Problem Cause Solution
General Problem: Erratic Motor Operation
Specific Problem Cause Solution
Sprayer quits after running for
5 to 10 minutes
Electrical outlet is damaged Reset building circuit breaker or replace building
Electrical outlet supplying
wrong voltage
Try another outlet. Check electric supply with volt
meter. Meter must read 200-260 V AC. If voltage
is too high, do not use outlet until corrected.
Also “Basic Electrical Problems” and “Sprayer Wiring Problems”, page 12.
Motor is overheating “Motor is Hot”, page 10.