Hitachi DH 24PD Power Hammer User Manual

8. How to use the drill bit (taper shank)
and the taper shank adaptor.
(1) Mount the taper shank adaptor to the
rotary hammer. (Fig. 18)
(2) Mount the drill bit (taper shank) to the
taper shank adaptor. (Fig. 18)
(3) Turn the switch ON, and drill a hole in
prescribed depth.
(4) To remove the drill bit (taper shank),
insert the cotter into the slot of the taper
shank adaptor and strike the head of
the cotter with a hammer supporting
on the rests. (Fig. 19)
Fig. 18
Drill Bit
Taper shank
Front Cap
Taper Snank Adaptor
Fig. 19