4.2 Weld Flaws and possible Causes - Shown on Fillet Welds
Attach earth clamp as close as possible to the weld. Structural components, beams, pipes or rails should not be used
for earth conducting if they are not the actual work piece.
Replace broken insulating parts at once!
Clean work piece surface for good conduction
Ring tongue terminal soldered, crimped, clamped
Insulate screw joint terminal with rubber bush or heat-
shrinkable sleeve
Fully Insulated Electrode Holder Connection of Welding Cables to the Work Piece
5 Accessories and Accessory Maintenance
Connecting Welding Cables to the Welding
Power Source
Connecting (Extending) Welding Cables
Weld Undercut
Welding current to high
Electrode work angle too steep
Arc too long
End Crater
Electrode removed too quickly
from the weld pool, particularly
with high welding currents risk
of shrinkage cracking
Weld Toe Cracks
Material sensitive to welding
Weld cooled down too fast after
Slag Inclusion
Welding current too low
Welding speed to high
Welding over slag on multi-
layer welds
Gas Inclusion
Work surface not clean
(rust, grease, paint)
Arc to long
Basic coated electrodes not
sufficiently dried
Root Flaw
Slag entering root area
because distance too great
insulated jaws
hand lever