Pelco C544M Dust Collector User Manual

Pelco Manual C573M-D (11/03) 21
If you choose item 5 on the Main Menu, the program displays the following menu:
Figure 14. Set Port Menu
This menu lets you view the settings of the two ports, and change the settings in one of them.
The Port 1 menu settings can be changed. The Port 1 menu lets you pick what you
want to connect to Port 1—an ASCII device (such as a PC), a CM9760 keyboard, a
CM9760 CC1, or an MDA loop. You use the menu’s Protocol field to select which one.
You use the remaining four fields (Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, and Parity) to set
the communication parameters for what you picked in the Protocol field.
The Port 2 menu settings cannot be changed. Port 2 is locked as the MDA loop-out
port. It is set up so you can plug a CM9760-KBD keyboard into it and program the MDA.
When the program displays the menu, the “1” in “Port 1” flashes. (To view the setup for Port
2, press the joystick right.)
To set up Port 1, press the OPEN key. The selection in the Protocol field flashes.
PROTOCOL Use the OPEN and CLOSE keys to cycle through the four types of
protocol. These are Terminal (ASCII device), CM9760-KBD, CM9760-
CC1, and MDA Loop.
BAUD RATE If you chose Terminal in the Protocol field above, the ASCII
protocol for external devices other than a keyboard or Pelco
system is activated. The available baud rates are 1200, 2400,
4800, and 9600 bits per second. In Terminal mode, you can also
select the data bit length, the number of stop bits, and the parity
type. Place the cursor on the displayed rate and press the OPEN/
CLOSE key to cycle forward and backward through the options.
If you chose CM9760-KBD in the Protocol field above, 9600 baud
is displayed but cannot be changed.
If you chose CM9760 CC1, 9600 baud is displayed, which cannot
be changed. This selection is used for connecting to the CM9760
Controller, which provides the timing signal for the MDAs.
(NOTE: The baud rate must equal that which was selected from
the system.)
If you chose MDA Loop in the Protocol field above, 9600 baud is
displayed but cannot be changed.
DATA BITS The number flashes. To select the number of data bits, use the OPEN
or CLOSE key to choose between 7 and 8 bits. Press the joystick
down to move to the next field.
The following can
only be adjusted in Terminal