+ and - = audio volume (0-8)
arrow= shift key (arrow)
2= display back light
3= squelch sensibility (stars 0-3 pieces)
Lightning=Speaker and /or Earphone (S E)
Other buttons returns to defaults
Frequency input:
XXXX # Two topmost numbers are permanently 43
By grounded switch can be used PTT from d15s pin number 3 (on motherboard)
If handset is hooked then microphone is closed
All the functions and features have not been tested yet ,if there are something strange what you think is bug or other
mistake,please take contact to oh6htv@sral.fi
To make realised this project,I have gotten lots of help from Markku OH6MF and Aatos OH8JEP,whom I should like to
thank very much.
73 de OH6HTV 2001-05-17
This manual made by OH8JEP