Battery Type:
The charger is designed to provide a
specific charge best suited for charging
each type of battery. Charging a GEL
CELL battery as a REGULAR or DEEP
CYCLE battery can permanently
damage it. Charging a battery on
anything but the proper selection can
result in a partial charge or damaged
battery. DO NOT charge a Gel Cell on
any other setting but, Gel Cell.
Charge Type:
• Use the MANUAL setting only if you
check the charging progress
frequently. The charger will not stop
charging when the battery reaches
full charge, possibly damaging the
battery if left on too long. A
discharged battery may not have
enough charge to start the control
circuit in an automatic setting. In this
case, charge on MANUAL until the
battery has enough charge to accept
an Automatic setting.
• Use the AUTOMATIC setting for all
batteries and charge rates. The
charger will automatically stop
charging when the battery reaches full
charge and begin charging again when
battery requires.
• Use the MAINTAINER to maintain a
charge in batteries stored for long
periods, such as those in RVs,
seasonal farm equipment and the like.
Use after fully charging the
battery in one of the charging
Charge Rate:
• Use the 2 AMP charge rate when you
can afford the time. The lower the
charge rate, the longer it will take, but
the battery is subjected to much less
stress. Unless a Gel Cell battery
manufacturer recommends otherwise,
use the 2 AMP rate for charging.
• Use the10 AMP 12/24 VOLT rate for
most common charging applications.
It provides the most complete charge
with the least stress on the battery.
• Use the 20 AMP 12 VOLT rate when
speed is important. This rate is
selected when 12 VOLT is selected on
the Battery Voltage switch. It provides
a faster charge than the 10 AMP rate.
The 15 AMP 24 VOLT rate is selected
when 24 VOLT is selected on the
Battery Voltage switch.
Battery Voltage:
Select the voltage of your battery. The
most common applications will be 12 volt,
but 24 volt battery systems are being
widely used in special applications.
The ammeter indicates the measure
amount of amperes being drawn by the
battery. When you first start charging a
battery, the reading will be high, with
the needle near 20 using the 20 amp
charging rate.
• In the MANUAL setting, as the battery
charges, the needle will fall to about 8
or 10 amps, indicating a charged
• In both AUTOMATIC settings, the meter
needle will fall to zero when the battery
has completed the charging cycle. A
10 AMP 12/24 VOLT
12/24 VOLT
20 AMP 12 VOLT
15 AMP 24 VOLT