Tektronix TDS540C Caulking Gun User Manual

Programming Examples
TDS Family Oscilloscope Programmer Manual
hard disk C, you want to store the examples in drive C, and the examples
diskette is in drive B, you might type:
mkdir examples
cd examples
copy b:\q-basic\*.* .
4. For this installation, you will also want to copy QBDECL.BAS and QBIB.OBJ
from your Tektronix S3FG210 (National Instruments GPIB-PCII/IIA) GPIB
drivers directory to the directory your example programs are in. For
example, if the GPIB drivers are in the gpib-pc directory and you are in the
example programs directory, you would type:
copy \gpib-pc\qbdecl.bas .
copy \gpib-pc\qbib.obj .
5. Perform the following two steps for example programs:
a. Compile the program by using the following command:
bc /o <file>.bas;
where <file> is one of the example program names.
To compile MEAS.BAS, type: bc /o meas.bas;
To compile COMM.BAS, type: bc /o comm.bas;
To compile GETWFM.BAS, type: bc /o getwfm.bas;
To compile CURSOR.BAS, type: bc /o cursor.bas;
To compile TL.BAS, type: bc /o tl.bas;
b. Link the compiled program with the qbib.obj module to create the
executable program (file.EXE) by using the following command:
link <file>.obj+qbib.obj;
where <file> is one of the above program names.
To link MEAS.OBJ, type: link meas.obj+qbib.obj;
To link COMM.OBJ, type: link comm.obj+qbib.obj;
To link GETWFM.OBJ, type: link getwfm.obj+qbib.obj;
To link CURSOR.OBJ, type: link cursor.obj+qbib.obj;
To link TL.OBJ, type: link tl.obj+qbib.obj;