Tighten the (4) Pump Block Bolts after the first 20 hours
of use.
To tighten, use the 6mm allen wrench supplied in the
literature kit. Use a criss cross pattern when tightening.
First A, then C, then B, then D. If you have a torque wrench
use 13-15 Ft./Lbs.
11.Turn ON-OFF Switch OFF.
10. Remove suction hose from inlet valve and let valve
suck in a small amount of light oil. This will oil pump parts
and keep them from corroding.
It is very important that you oil the inlet valve as stated
in step 10 above. Oil inlet valve after EVERY job.
Check the hydraulic oil level before each use and after
every 20 run hours. To check hydraulic oil level, see
number 3, 'CHECK THE OIL", Page 12.
Change the hydraulic oil after the first 20 run hours and
every 200 hours thereafter. To change hydraulic oil, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Remove the oil filler plug from the hydraulic housing face
2. Drain out the old hydraulic oil.
3. Fill hydraulic housing with approximately 19 ounces of
hydraulic oil. Use only hydraulic oil part number 0088009
(1 quart) or part number 0088010 (1 gallon). Replace oil
fill plug.
4. Since air may enter the system when the oil is changed,
the sprayer may have to be vented (bled). To bleed out
the air, see number 10, 'BLEED THE AIR", Page 12.
You should clean and oil your sprayer as soon as you finish
a job. Do not store the sprayer unless it has been
cleaned and oiled.
When you shut down, clean up with water if you were using
latex paint and clean up with solvent if you were using oil
base paint.
If you are going to stop spraying for an hour or two just
relieve the pressure in the sprayer by turning the priming
knob to , cover your paint container to keep dirt out and
place tape over the spray tip to keep air from drying paint in
the tip.
Shut down and clean up as follows:
1. Reduce pressure by turning pressure control knob coun-
terclockwise. Turn priming knob to . Remove suction
hose only from paint container, hold it above container
and allow sprayer to pump itself dry. Remove tip guard,
spray tip and washer and let soak clean.
2. Have container of hot soapy water for cleaning after
spraying with latex paint or suitable solvent for oil base
paints. Do not clean with mineral spirits if using latex
paint because it makes jelly.
3. Place suction and return tubes in the solvent or warm
soapy water. Increase pressure and let circulate for
2-3 minutes.
4. To save remaining paint in spray hose, carefully trigger
gun into and against side of paint container. Be careful
of splashing. Turn priming knob to . Turn pressure
up and watch inside of container for cleaning solvent to
come through, then shut off gun and place in cleaning
5. Trigger gun and let cleaning solvent circulate for ap-
proximately 2-3 minutes.
6. Turn priming knob to and shut unit off. Unscrew gun
handle. Remove and clean filter. Install filter in gun and
reassemble spray tip, washer and guard.
7. With priming knob on , remove suction tube from
cleaning container to allow sprayer to pump dry.
8. Take a clean container of water or solvent and using low
pressure pump through system until clear. If cleaning
with water, turn to and pump lacquer thinner through
pump. This will clean any paint particles still in the
system and remove water.
9. Take suction tube out of container and let sprayer run
itself dry.
You will also have to bleed the air out of the system if
you remove the paint pump or go into the hydraulic
housing, or if the sprayer loses prime due to rough