
1.3.3 Ther mo cou ple In put
The correct type of thermocouple extension leadwire/compensating cable must be used
for the entire distance between the instrument and the thermocouple, ensuring that
correct polarity is observed throughout. Joints in the cable should be avoided, if
possible. The CJC facility must be enabled (normal conditions) for this input (see
Subsection 3.10).
NOTE: Do not run thermocouple cables adjacent to power-carrying
conductors. If the wiring is run in a conduit, use a separate conduit for
the thermocouple wiring. If the thermocouple is grounded, this must be
done at one point only. If the thermocouple extension lead is shielded,
the shield must be grounded at one point only.
The colour codes used on thermocouple extension leads are shown in Table 1-1.
1.3.4 RTD In put
The compensating lead should be connected to Terminal 3. For two-wire RTD inputs,
Terminals 2 and 3 should be linked. The extension leads should be of copper and the
resistance of the wires connecting the resistance element should not exceed 5 ohms
per lead (the leads should be of equal length).
1.3.5 Lin ear In put
For linear mA input ranges, connection is made to Terminals 1 and 4 in the polarity
shown in Figure 1-4. For linear mV and V ranges, connection is made to Terminals 2
and 3 in the polarity shown in Figure 1-4. For details of the linear input ranges available,
refer to Appendix A. If it is required to display the engineering units used, refer to
Subsection 2.4.
1.3.6 Re mote Re set (Op tion)
With the Remote Reset option fitted, Terminals 16 and 17 may be connected to an
external switch/relay contacts or to a TTL-compatible logic signal, which is used to reset
the latched Alarm 1. For an external switch/relay contacts, an “open-closed” transition
will reset the latched alarm. For a TTL signal, a “Logic 1 - Logic 0" transition will reset
the latched alarm.
TTL lev els: Logic 1 >2.0V
Logic 0 <0.8V
NOTE: The Remote Reset option and the RS485 Serial
Communications option are mutually exclusive.
See also Subsection 3.3.2 and Appendix A.
1.3.7 Re lay Out put
The contacts are rated at 2A resistive at 120/240V AC.
1.3.8 DC Out put
See Appendix A.
SM067-1 November, 2000 1-7
-DIN Digi tal In di ca tor Sec tion 1
Prod uct Man ual - Vol ume II In stal la tion