Getting started with
Cooling Pad N120
Important Information
Getting started with
Cooling Pad N120
United States +1 646-454-3200
Argentina +00800-555-3284
Canada +1 866-934-5644
Brasil +0 800-891-4173
Chile 1230 020 5484
Latin America +1 800-578-9619
Mexico 001 800 578 9619
België/Belgique Dutch: +32-(0)2 200 64 44;
French: +32-(0)2 200 64 40
Česká Republika +420 239 000 335
Danmark +45-38 32 31 20
Deutschland +49-(0)69-51 709 427
España +34-91-275 45 88
France +33-(0)1-57 32 32 71
Ireland +353-(0)1 524 50 80
Italia +39-02-91 48 30 31
Magyarország +36-177-74-853
Nederland +31-(0)-20-200 84 33
Norge +47-(0)24 159 579
Österreich +43-(0)1 206 091 026
Polska 00800 441 17 19
Portugal +351-21-415 90 16
Россия +7(495) 641 34 60
Schweiz/Suisse D +41-(0)22 761 40 12
Svizzera F +41-(0)22 761 40 16
I +41-(0)22 761 40 20
E +41-(0)22 761 40 25
South Africa 0800 981 089
Suomi +358-(0)9 725 191 08S
Sverige +46-(0)8-501 632 83
Türkiye 00800 44 882 5862
United Arab Emirates 8000 441-4294
United Kingdom +44-(0)203-024-81 59
European, English: +41-(0)22 761 40 25
Mid. East., & Fax: +41-(0)21 863 54 02
African Hq.
Eastern Europe English: 41-(0)22 761 40 25