
ErrorCnt The number of errors for this channel.
ErrorCode The code that identifies the type of error.
Ext. Extension.
FlashHookTransfer Status of flash hook transfer function. If enabled, allows user
receiving a call to do a flash hook transfer to another trunk line
Values: Enabled, Disabled. Default: Enabled
Framing Type Type of framing used on this board (ES4, D4). For a T1 board,
ESF is always associated with a B8ZS line coding, and D4 is
always associated with AMI line coding.
GpId Group ID number.
Group Name Group name.
Guard A time out value that controls the waiting period after a call
completes, before the channel can be used for another
outbound call from NBX system.
InterfaceType Type of interface. Values: E1, T1, ISDN, no config. Default: T1.
Does not apply to T1 E&M.
Intl. Prefix An advanced configuration setting. An identifier, up to
five-digits, that can be manually configured for outgoing calls
on this span. Manual configuration of the international prefix is
for situations where the telephone company equipment
requires special configuration on the NBX system.
Line Code Type of line coding used (HDB3, AMI). For a T1 board, AMI line
coding is always associated with D4 framing, and B8ZS line
coding is always associated with ESF framing.
Line Length Length of the line between the termination and the board.
MAC Address A 48-bit address unique to each network device.
Model Number The model number of the board.
National Prefix An advanced configuration setting. An identifier, up to
five-digits, that can be manually configured for outgoing calls
on this span. Manual configuration of the national prefix is for
situations where the telephone company equipment requires
special configuration on the NBX system.
NCP Conne The amount of time that the digital line card waits for the NCP
to connect the call. “USER_ALERTING_NO_ANSWER” errors
mean that this value may be too small.
NCP Gener A time-out value that controls how long the digital line card
waits for a response from the call processor. Do not modify this
Network Digit A time-out value that controls how long the digital line card
waits between digits sent on an incoming call.
Table 80 Configuration and Status Report Headings (continued)
Heading Description