
universal plug and
Universal plug and play is a system which allows compatible applications
to read some of their settings from the Router. This allows them to
automatically configure some, or all, of their settings and need less user
URL Filter A URL Filter is a feature of a firewall that allows it to stop its clients form
browsing inappropriate Web sites.
WAN Wide Area Network. A network that connects computers located in
geographically separate areas (for example, different buildings, cities, or
countries). The Internet is an example of a wide area network.
WDS Wireless Distribution System. WDS enables one or more Access Points to
rebroadcast received signals to extend range and reach, though this can
affect the overall throughput of data.
WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance. An industry group formed to
certify cross vendor interoperability and compatibility of 802.11b and
802.11g wireless networking products and to promote the standard for
enterprise, small business and home environments. (see also 802.11b,
802.11g, Wi-Fi)
WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy. A shared key encryption mechanism for wireless
networking. Encryption strength is 40/64 bit or 128 bit.
Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity. This is the certification granted by WECA to products
that meet their interoperability criteria. (see also 802.11b, WECA)
Wireless Client The term used to describe a desktop or mobile PC that is wirelessly
connected to your wireless network
Wireless LAN Service
Another term for ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier)
Wizard A Windows application that automates a procedure such as installation
or configuration.