1. Description and Specifications
1-1. Intended Use
The 3M-Matic Model 800rf Type 39800 Automatic
Random Case Sealer with AccuGlide II Taping
Heads is designed to accept filled, regular slotted
containers from an existing conveyor, fold the top
flaps, and apply a C clip of Scotch brand Pres-
sure-Sensitive Film Box Sealing Tape to the top and
bottom center seams. Two side-drive belt assemblies
convey the cases through the machine.
The 800rf Case Sealer is to be used with infeed and
exit conveyors supplied by the customer. Do not
attempt to run the case sealer without infeed and exit
conveyors in place.
ü Note
In this manual, the end of the case sealer that accepts cases
for taping is the infeed end. The end of the case sealer where
the taped cases leave is the exit end. The side containing the
Electrical Control Panel and the Pneumatic Control Panel is
the front or left side of the machine, and the opposite side is
the back or right side of the machine.
Figure 1-1 shows the 800rf Case Sealer with callouts
to identify its major components.
3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer Description and Specifications
Figure 1-1. 3M-Matic 800rf Case Sealer
3M-Matic, AccuGlide, and Scotch are trademarks of 3M, St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
Copyright 1999, 3M IPC. All rights reserved. 1-1