7-INSTALLATION (continued)
2012 March
7.5 Safety Guards: Inside and Outside
Machine Emergency Stop Push-Button
Position and assemble the inside (A) and outside (B)
guard panels with the upper and bottom brackets
and stiffening profi le plates as shown in the pictures
(Figure 7-4).
Inside Safety Guards
Support brackets (upper and bottom); 4+4 socket
head screws each bracket (Figure 7-5).
Stiffening profi le plate (upper): 2+2 socket head
screws (Figure 7-6).
Outside Safety Guards
Support brackets (upper and bottom);
4+4 socket head screws each bracket.
Left hand bracket (with pre-assembled photocell);
Right hand bracket (with pre-assembled refl ector).
Assemble the emergency push button unit as shown
(Figure 7-7 & 7-8).
Stiffening profi le plate (upper): 2+2 socket head
screws (Figure 7-9).
Connection between the Infeed Conveyor
Lift the infeed conveyor placing the forks under the
points where there are the labels (Figure 7-10).
Figure 7-4
Figure 7-5
Figure 7-6
Figure 7-7
Figure 7-8
Figure 7-9
Figure 7-10
Forklift on Opposite Side