The global leader in library systems products
Welcome to the group of libraries using 3M Detection Systems to protect collections and improve library service. The
purpose of this manual is to help library directors and supervisory staff understand the detection system and provide ideas on
communicating system operation and function to staff and library users.
By incorporating this manual’s recommendations with your own policies and procedures, you can achieve a high level of
collection security. Supervisors should acquaint themselves with the contents of this manual and use it to teach library staff.
Keep it readily accessible. Do not file it away. It is intended to be a ready reference source.
Your 3M service representative will conduct in-service training that will include an explanation of the contents of this manual.
Once training is completed, it is the responsibility of the director—delegated through supervisors—to train library staff and
ensure that library policies and procedures are followed when working with the system. If this manual does not provide all
required information, please contact your local 3M sales representative.
What this means to you
From the best-trained field service organization to our technical service group and customer support staff, we are committed
to providing you with the support you require to help ensure your satisfaction.
The system has been designed to detect the unauthorized removal of materials concealed within book bags, briefcases, or
under clothing. While a 100% electronic net does not exist, the system provides effective protection and significant reduction
in the loss of library materials.
With a little attention and care, your system should provide you with many years of service and help to protect your library
against losses. Call our toll-free 800 number any time of the day or night for service, to order supplies, or to leave messages
for your sales representative at 1-800-328-0067.
©2008. 3M. All rights reserved.