78-8117-0985-2 Rev C 11
9.0 Install Lug or Connector
9.1 Check to insure 3M™ Cold Shrink QT-III Silicone Rubber Termination assembly fits over the selected lug or
connector. If lug or connector (Figure 14) will not fit through the termination core, clean the insulation (per
Step 10.0) and slide termination on cable before installing lug or connector. DO NOT REMOVE CORE AT
Figur e 14 Clearance
Figure 14
NOTE: Refer to pages 19-21 for 3M connector and lug crimping information.
NOTE: For Aluminum Conductors - Thoroughly wire brush conductor strands to remove aluminum oxide layer.
Immediately insert conductor into lug or connector barrel as far as it will go.
9.2 Position connector or lug and crimp according to manufacturer's directions. Remove excess oxide inhibitor and
sharp crimp flashings following crimping.
10.0 Clean Cable Insulation and Lug or Connector Barrel Using Standard Practice
10.1 Wipe the cable insulation with one of the solvent saturated pads from the 3M™ Cable Cleaning Preparation
Kit CC-2. Do not allow solvent to touch semi-con insulation shield!
10.2 If abrasive must be used:
a. Use on insulation only. Do not use abrasive on semi-con insulation shield!
b. Use only aluminum oxide abrasive; grit 120 or finer, included in the 3M™ Cable Cleaning Preparation Kit CC-2.
c. Be careful not to reduce the cable insulation diameter below that allowed by the kit.