10 78-0013-1746-6-E
4.0 Fiber Insertion and Connector Activation
4.1 Grip the back of the fiber holder. Do not grip the front
or middle lids, because they may need to pop open.
Slowly insert the fiber holder (with cleaved fiber) into
the guide track on the protrusion setting tool until it
reaches a stop. Do not push or pull the back end of
the fiber holder upward or downward while inserting
it, because it can influence the front lid's reaction.
Note: Insert the fiber holder slowly to avoid breaking the
fiber. This step should take 5 seconds or more. Faster
insertion can lead to breaking the fiber. As the fiber holder
slides in, the shuttle will reach a stop, and the cleaved end
of the fiber will thread through the connector. Just prior
to the fiber holder being fully inserted into the protrusion
setting tool, 1 or 2 lids, depending on fiber stiffness, will
pop open and the fiber will bow.
4.2 Verify that the cleaved end of the fiber extends
beyond the tip of the connector ferrule. To do this,
press and hold the push button on the flashlight
contained within the protrusion setting tool and
visually confirm the presence of approximately
1 mm of fiber through the viewing window.
Note: If for some reason the fiber is not seen extending
beyond the tip of the connector ferrule, withdraw the fiber
holder (with cleaved fiber) from the protrusion setting tool
and repeat as many of the preceding steps as necessary.
Approx. 1 mm of fi ber visible
Note: There are many brands and types of 900 µm coated fiber. With 900 µm fiber, 1 or 2 lids on the fiber holder will
pop open, depending on soft or stiff coating.
4.3 For soft-coated 900 µm fiber, only the middle lid will pop open. For stiff-coated 900 µm fiber, the fiber bow is strong
enough to pop open both the front and middle lids. In hot weather or when using 900 µm break-out tube kits, the
middle lid may not pop open. In that case, for 900 µm open the middle lid by hand before going to the next step. In
cold weather some coatings will become more stiff.
Soft 900 µm coating Stiff 900 µm coating
Don't grip
middle lid
SLOW, >5 seconds