Pocket Projector MP220
© 2012 3M. All Rights Reserved.
5 Press and hold the Touch Sensor. An Options menu will appear.
6 Select Paste.
Cut and Paste
1 Select a cell or range.
2 Press and hold the Touch Sensor. An Options menu will appear.
3 Select Cut.
Note: The selected cells are deleted after the paste function is executed.
4 Move the Worksheet and Cell where you want to paste the data.
5 Press and hold the Touch Sensor. An Options menu will appear.
6 Select Paste.
Sheet To Go has many of the same functions you use in Microsoft Excel. This
section will take you through the steps of entering the following formulas:
t Simple formulas,
t Formulas with cell references, and
t Formulas with formulas.
Simple formulas
t Formulas with single cell references, and
t Formulas with range of cell references.
Simple Formula: 1+1
1 Select a Cell.
2 Press the Touch Sensor and the onscreen keyboard opens.
3 Type =1+1.
Note: Access = by selecting the ?123 button and then the ALT button.