Page 50 Peak C
1/3 Octave Band
053-469 RevC
SoundPro models SE and DL Data Addendum
Peak C
Table A.46- Peak C Level Range
The Microphone section includes the QE7052 microphone with accessories and the BK4936 microphone with
accessories. To select one of the microphone options below, click on the appropriate bulleted title, and it will
automatically link you to designated section.
QE7052 microphone (Figures/Tables “B”)
QE7052 microphone with windscreen (Figures/Tables “C”)
QE7052 microphone using remote preamp (Figures/Tables “D”)
QE7052 microphone using windscreen and remote preamp (Figures/Tables “E”)
BK4936 microphone (Figures/Tables “F”)
BK4936 microphone with windscreen (Figures/Tables “G”)
BK4936 microphone using remote preamp (Figures/Tables “H”)
BK4936 microphone using windscreen and remote preamp(Figures/Tables “I”)
BK4936 microphone using the random incidence corrector (Figures/Tables “J”)
BK4936 microphone using random incidence corrector and windscreen (Figures/Tables “K”)
BK4936 microphone and random incidence corrector using a remote preamp (Figures/Tables “L”)
BK4936 microphone using random incidence corrector, windscreen, and remote preamp
(Figures/Tables “M”)
Level Range
in dB
Nominal Peak C
Level Range
in dB
Level Range
in dB
Nominal Peak C
Level Range
in dB