RGB in - RGB2 Selects the RGB input signal type of the RGB IN2 port.
PL95X / X95 / X95K / X95i / X95iK
Sync On G Off / Auto
PL90X / X62w / X90 / X90K / X90w
Sync On G Off / Sync On G On
This function is not displayed for X64w.
Computer in-2 Selects the computer input signal type of the COMPUTER IN2 port.
Sync On G Off / Sync On G On
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i /
Function General Description
Auto Keystone [Execute]: Performs the automatic keystone distortion.
Keystone V Corrects the vertical keystone distortion.
[-]: Decrease the vertical keystone value.
[+]: Increase the vertical keystone value.
Keystone H Corrects the horizontal keystone distortion.
[-]: Decrease the horizontal keystone value.
[+]: Increase the horizontal keystone value.
This function is not displayed for X62w / X64w.
Whisper Turns off/on the whisper mode.
Normal / Whisper
Mirror Switches the mode for mirror status.
Normal / H:Invert / V:Invert / H&V:Invert
Volume Adjusts the volume.
[-]: Decrease the volume value.
[+]: Increase the volume value.
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i / X95iK.
Speaker Turns off/on the built-in speaker.
Off / On
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i /
Audio RGB1 Assigns the audio port when the RGB IN1 input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i /
Audio-Computer1 Assigns the audio port when the COMPUTER IN1 input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i /
Audio RGB2 Assigns the audio port when the RGB IN2 input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i /
Audio-Computer2 Assigns the audio port when the COMPUTER IN2 input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i /
Audio Video Assigns the audio port when the VIDEO input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i / X95iK.
Audio S-Video Assigns the audio port when the S-VIDEO input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i / X95iK.
Audio Component Assigns the audio port when the COMPONENT input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i / X95iK.
Audio MIU Assigns the audio port when the MIU input port is selected.
Off / Audio1 / Audio2 / Audio3 / Audio MIU
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K / X95i / X95iK.
Monitor Out-RGB1 Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the RGB IN1 input port is selected.
Off / RGB1
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K.
Monitor Out-RGB2 Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the RGB IN2 input port is selected.
Off / RGB2
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K.
Monitor Out-HDMI Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the HDMI input port is selected.
Off / RGB1 / RGB2
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K.
Monitor Out-Component Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the COMPONENT input port is selected.
Off / RGB1 / RGB2
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K.
Monitor Out-S-Video Assigns the MONITOR OUT when the S-VIDEO input port is selected.
Off / RGB1 / RGB2
This function is not displayed for PL90X / PL95X / X62w / X64w / X90 / X90K / X90w / X95 / X95K.
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