Configuring procedure for selecting the READERS:
Swipe the Configuration Badge 000000000
(This badge is provided with each terminal.)
Select option 3 to ACTIVATE READERS <press ENTER>.
(Select any combination 1234 to activate the readers. 1 for Internal Barcode, 2
for External Barcode, 3 for Internal Magnetic Stripe and 4 for Internal Proximity
Note, if you turned OFF all readers you will be unable to read the configuration
badge. The following procedure will allow you to re-enable the readers. Press
the IN, then the OUT and then the ENTER key within 1 second. The terminal
will go into a testing mode. Press the Clear key followed by Press the IN, then
the OUT and then the ENTER key within 1 second or before the time is
Fingerprint Reader (for units equipped with Fingerprint Reader):
Enabling Fingerprint Reader
1. Swipe the configuration badge
2. Select option 2 for CONFIG <press ENTER>
3. Press enter until you see BIOMETRIC READERS
4. Select 0 for NONE, 1 for VFLEX, 2 for VSMART, 3 for VPASS,
4 for MV-LITE (internal fingerprint reader)
5. Press ENTER until Date and Time appear
Entering Fingerprints
1. Swipe the supervisor badge
2. Select 1 for FINGERPRINT
3. Select 0 to ADD, 1 to DELETE or 2 to DELETE ALL