• The basic weighing functions are same for both the scales- local and
remote. However the number of weighing divisions may be less on
the remote scale dependant on the total capacity of the load cell/s
• Each scale (local or remote) has the ability to count parts based on
the current unit weight. This is best obtained by performing a sample
on the local scale which may have the best sensitivity. Then the scale
can be switched to the remote where large quantities can be counted.
• Each scale has a separate tare value that can be entered through the
keypad or by placing a weight on the platform and pressing the
[Tare/Zero] key. The tare value for each scale is retained as the user
switches between the remote and local scales.
• Either scale can be used to determine a unit weight.
• When the scale is switched from local to remote, a clear display will
be shown to identify the change and the scales will count based on
the tare and unit weight currently in use for the scale selected.
Display for the change is:
“c h A n g E” ”L o c A L“ and “c h A n g E” ”r e m o t E “
The display will be based on the 7 segment interpretations, some of
letters are shown later.
• The switch from local scale to remote scale should be possible at any
time by pressing [Local/Rem] or if the user enables the function it
can happen anytime the weight on the remote scale changes from
negative value or zero to a positive value greater than 50d.
NOTE: For frequently used items, counting is made easier by using PLU
numbers (Product Look Up). Up to 100 PLU’s can be stored and recalled.
See section 6.4 on PLU for details. Place the item on the pan and enter
using the keypad “PLUxx” (where xx is the PLU number associated with
that item). The scale will display the Total Weight, Unit weight and the
Count of the item in the respective windows.
© Adam Equipment Company 2007