5. Click the Show Paragraph Catalog button to display the Paragraph Catalog. Park your
cursor in a block of text and click in the Paragraph Catalog to apply a paragraph
6. Click the Show History Palette button to display the history palette. Click on any
editing operation to undo that operation and all subsequent actions.
7. To view the Track Text Edit toolbar, choose View>Track Text Edit Bar.
8. To enable the tabbed document interface, choose View>Tabbed Bar.
FrameMaker 8 offers the ability to work with XML files, DTDs, and XML Schema, which
makes it possible to integrate with an externally developed XML application. The parsing
and validation engines built into FrameMaker ensure well-formed and valid XML when
you open and save XML documents. You can convert a DTD or XML Schema to a
FrameMaker EDD (Element Definition Document), incorporate its element definitions
into a new or existing structured FrameMaker template, and apply element tags to your
When you finish your work, you can parse and validate your XML and then save it as a
standards-compliant file for use by others. XML publishing maximizes the efficiency of
History Palette
Show Paragraph
Show History
Track Text Edit bar
Tabbed Document